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America’s Governments
Enemies of the Poor
Release Date: 12/15/2020
Categories: Non-fiction
This book cuts to the heart of every issue, amusingly, without wasting your time.
Learn the thirty-five ways that American governments hurt the poor. Thirty-five! And these don’t even include the biggest hurt of all!
Learn how George Floyd was killed by a union, not racism, how unions reduce caring, how the arrogance of the U.S. Congress will cause the Sierra forests to burn, how a 1973 law is causing obesity today, how real estate markets could enrich the poor if the government just got out of the way, how taxing the rich hurts the poor, how the Deep State operates, how city government enflamed the Charlottesville riots, how U.S. regulators may have helped cause NYC’s twin towers to fall, and why human beings are an endangered species.
Learn what keeps healthcare costs from being cut by half, the media’s big conflict of interest, why U.S. elections are cheap, and why cold weather may draw near.
After noting that the IRS has 4,487 guns, including 15 fully automatic machine guns and 5.1 million rounds of ammunition, the author comments, “Machine guns, of course, are essential when you’re auditing taxpayers.”
What should America do, and must do, to keep from going over the cliff?
Release Date: 05/03/2022
Release Date: 03/31/2022
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