Author & Sales Director

Tanner Roberts

Books By Tanner Roberts

101 Tips To Become a Radical Liberal
Dumb Politics
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about Tanner Roberts

Born in Houston, Texas, Tanner Thomas Roberts has always had a passion for learning, reading and politics.  Tanner graduated from Texas A&M in 2013 with a B.S. in Economics and received a Business Economics Certificate (BEC) which focuses on integrating the practical skills taught in Mays Business School with the analytical tools of economics. Currently, Tanner works as a Director of Business Development at a technology consulting company overseeing some of the largest sales growth in company history.

Tanner is a musician and enjoys writing music on both guitar and piano. He enjoys being terrible at golf and living an active lifestyle. At a young age, he began collecting comic books and continues to be an avid collector to feed his inner nerd.

Tanner T. Roberts is a proud father to a beautiful daughter.

Books By
Tanner Roberts

101 Tips To Become a Radical Liberal
Dumb Politics