Thinking about Thinking Thomas Christ
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Thinking About Thinking

America's Yeomanry and Cognoscenti

Release Date: 08/29/2023

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About This Author

Dr. Thomas Christ brings an extraordinarily diverse background to his analysis of American political thought. His unique career arc—from ivy league sociologist to intelligence technology executive—gives him unprecedented insight into how information shapes belief systems and social behavior. After earning his BA with honors from the College of William and Mary, Christ pursued advanced studies at Cornell University, earning both an MS in organizational behavior and a Ph.D. in sociology. His academic career began by teaching sociology at William and Mary, but his expertise in human behavior soon drew him into more classified realms. As an executive in the intelligence community, Christ served as vice president, president, and chairman of HDS, Inc., developing cutting-edge radio frequency and digital technologies for intelligence and law enforcement. His work with Army Intelligence G-2 at Fort Detrick and the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) focused on the intersection of behavioral science and technology—experience that informs his unique perspective on how information technology shapes political ideology.

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