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What Are The Odds
Blowing the Whistle on the California State Lottery
Release Date: 03/15/2022
Categories: Non-fiction
Gary Reid Galbreath was born and raised in California and knew from a very young age that he wanted to devote himself to the pursuit of justice. From donning his first seersucker suit at 4 years old like his idol Ben Matlock to his 11 years in law enforcement, he was determined to seek out the truth and level the playing field for everyone. Little did he know that seeking the truth and finding justice as a California State Lottery Investigator would get him labeled as a whistleblower, fired and shunned by the very people he thought would support him in his quest of fairness. Now 4 years after being vindicated in a settlement with the State, Reid as he is affectionately known, is sharing his story. What are the odds, blowing the whistle on the California State Lottery recounts his experiences as an Investigator and the aftermath, of doing the right thing even if it wasn’t the popular thing.
Release Date: 09/07/2021
Release Date: 05/03/2022
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