Shrink Government Its Too Big Archie Richards
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Shrink Government

It's Too Big!

Release Date: 03/19/2024

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about Shrink Government
Government consumes wealth, creates no wealth, and inhibits the creation of wealth. It thus makes money less and less available.
Government’s primary objective is to get bigger and more powerful. To achieve this, it identifies more and more problems to solve.
Government thus has less and less money to solve more and more problems. National dysfunction results, especially among the poor.
Government also creates crises, including the lockdowns, global warming, and racism, to increase its powers.
Government isn’t the solution, it’s the problem. Unintentionally, it causes poverty.
With government greatly diminished, the income of most people would rise and the gap between rich and poor would narrow.
With government reduced and tax rates low and flat, the rich would step up to handle welfare needs, cutting costs and improving results.
With few exceptions, government is the worst and most expensive way to do anything.

About This Author

Archie Richards was born in New York City in 1936. He was a stockbroker and financial planner for some years.  He then wrote weekly newspaper columns, Richards on Money Matters, which were nationally syndicated. He also authored Understanding Exchange-Traded Funds, published by McGraw-Hill and still available on Amazon. Beginning at the end of 2016, Archie wrote brief libertarian columns about the American government, most of which were published as letters by the Concord (NH) Monitor. Those columns form the basis of this book. After starting work at a Boston bank in 1960, Archie read the Wall Street Journal and Boston Globe regularly. Having been educated by liberals at St. Paul’s School and Yale, he considered himself a liberal. Curious about the dynamics of public affairs, however, he cut out articles describing social or economic problems and placed them in a drawer. Several years later, he retrieved the numerous articles and read them again. It seemed obvious to him that most of the problems were caused by the government. Already opposed to the Vietnam War, he became a libertarian in 1968, although that term was then unknown to him. Archie is also a classical pianist. In 1973, a recording he’d made of a renown Beethoven sonata was played on Boston’s classical music station on a Sunday morning. Even in his eighties, he remains skilled enough to be paid for performances in retirement homes and senior centers in the Boston area.

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