Interview with David Walls-Kaufman, Author of Robot, Archangel
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Robot, Archangel

Release Date: 04/12/2022


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about Robot, Archangel

Set 500 years in the future when surveillance technology has the ability to thought-scan all the billions of people on earth, looking for any neuro-adrenal activity directed at questioning authority or doubting the fairness of the structure of society. The One Percent and how they live are never seen by the common people, who live in a hyper-religious terror of demons and “God,” whom they believe their life proves is incredibly cruel. The story on the poor people end is traced through the Widow Wazku, and the story on the upper end is traced through the Deputy Chief of Security, Milton Aras. While Indira and her circle of friends deal with evidence that they are beginning to be able to think freely, Milton Aras deals with more hints that the “Tech” has been led to abandon its primary mission to serve the human race.

About This Author

Born in Austin, Texas, David Walls-Kaufman is a graduate of Palmer College of Chiropractic and was editor of the campus newspaper. He has been a musician and composer, and an award-winning short story author who comes from a writing family that includes a Pulitzer-prize winner, three published authors, a newspaper owner, an editor, and a nationally known sports writing and broadcasting luminary. His godfathers, Chad Oliver, and Patrick Conway, respectively, were a multiple-book science fiction author, and the reporter who reported the Kennedy assassination over the Dallas AP wire, and who coined the term “The Grassy Knoll.” The author divides his time between writing, T’ai Chi and advocating for the chiropractic breakthrough in “brain-first healthcare” being the only shot for the Left and Right to come together in rational social welfare and low taxes, to then shake off the dead weight of the Washington DC implosion. The author was raised in Washington DC and currently resides there.

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