ReLaunch FINAL cover
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How Families Can Be Renewed and the American Dream Revived in the New Independent Lifestyle of the Post-Pandemic Economy

Release Date: 03/31/2022


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about Re-Launch

Life after the pandemic will be different.  Trends that emerged during Covid-19, including remote work, remote delivery of products and services like education and health care, and a new interest in living in less dense, remote regions, will likely continue after the virus is finally banished.  How will these changes impact families, especially those struggling with both too little money and time?  Ironically, the new post-pandemic economy could create more prosperity and freedom for families, leading to a New Independent Lifestyle and a revival of the American Dream.

About This Author

 Michael Walden is a Reynolds Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Economics at North Carolina State University, and the author of 12 books, and the winner of numerous teaching awards. He specializes in presenting economic information in an understandable manner.

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