Hunt it Down Dave Roberts
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Hunt It Down, Kill It & Drag It Home

Savage Strategies for Winning Big in Business & in Life

Release Date: 11/15/2022

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about Hunt It Down, Kill It & Drag It Home

Are you a Savage, and Aristocrat, or a Peasant? Savages make things happen. Aristocrats, like a parasite – live off the success and production that the Savages generate, while the Peasant is happy to exist from the scraps from the tables of both.

What makes a Savage a Savage? Are you born a Savage or does your environment turn you into one? Learn the difference and how to change your own environment, habits and mental approach to become a Savage. This edgy and audacious tome is sure to elicit the Savage traits you have that may be buried deep in your psyche! Aristocrats and Peasants, BEWARE: This Savage takes no prisoners!

About This Author

Webster's Dictionary defines a Renaissance Man as: "a present-day man who has acquired profound knowledge or proficiency in more than one field." David Thomas Roberts' definitely fits the description of a modern-day Renaissance Man. Roberts is an entrepreneur, inventor, political columnist, bestselling author, and cattle rancher.  Roberts founded a telecom technology firm based on a software idea he created and was awarded a U.S. Patent for it. That firm is now a multi-million global consulting firm that created an entire industry. Roberts is still the CEO of the company.  He has also founded Defiance Press & Publishing, an independent conservative publishing company as well as a non-profit Twice-the-Monuments.Org for restoring historical monuments taken down by riots and local governments. Roberts, who is a political activist for conservative and libertarian causes founded a political PAC, Texans for True Conservatives based on candidates taking the PAC’s conservative pledge.  He is a supporter of the originalists in Constitutional matters and believes government is too centralized, too large, and fiscally irresponsible. A staunch defender of capitalism, Roberts advocates for  Free Enterprise and small business owners – the backbone of the U.S. economy.   Roberts is currently working on a new business venture and will launch a new company, Wealtheo in October 2020 which combines financial literacy, personal finance, and a business opportunity. Roberts’ 650-acre Texas ranch, Brushwood Rose breeds registered Texas Longhorn cattle. Roberts lives in Montgomery, Texas with his wife of thirty-six years has four adult children and has five grandchildren.  

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