The Uncomfortable Truth by Lee Maxwell- DECEMBER 7TH
Imagine this: a non-political analysis of liberal cultural derangement. Seems impossible, right?
You’ve seen America come under attack by its own citizens. You’ve seen America’s core values vehemently denied. And you’ve seen the leftist cultural insanity explained by politicians and pundits in several books. So why pay attention to this one?
The Uncomfortable Truth provides insight on questions you won’t find in those books:
What is the psychological appeal to these bizarre social justice movements?
Why are teenagers so susceptible to them?
How does a person get to the point where they’re willing to accept nonsense as fact and why is it happening in droves?
Who are these BLM victims and what actually happened? How can you prove that none of them were racist?
Are the claims of Israeli oppression actually legitimate? How do I refute them?
Why does the LGBT crowd always shackle themselves together just because they all involve gender?
This book goes after all these questions with no holds barred- you won’t have to worry about the answers being buried in layers of mind-numbing political correctness. Whether you’re looking for political rebuttals, psychologically oriented answers, or self-improvement, this book delves into it all.
Sheriff Mike Lewis, by Haven Simmons- DECEMBER 14TH
This biography traverses the stellar law enforcement career of Mike Lewis, one of the most prominent and constitutionally steadfast sheriffs in the nation. Humble beginnings, uniquely prolific drug interdiction as a Maryland State trooper, unrelenting devotion to the community he was raised in, and the remarkable transformation of the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office have molded this dynamic speaker, leader, and law enforcement visionary espousing border security and the right to bear arms. Sheriff Lewis is at the forefront of important initiatives protecting conservatism and the American way of life against defund the police, identity politics, and cancel culture.

America the Beautiful, by Robert Pollock- DECEMBER 14TH
America the Beautiful is a book that provides every reader a unique insight as to what it is of America that makes her so attractive to people from every country on the globe. Listening to the words of the immigrants themselves, we are taken on journeys that tell each individual’s story and how it evolved from just an idea to them ultimately reaching their current place in society. They are inspiring tales of courage and perseverance that provide us a greater understanding of what makes America so beautiful.
The book begins with a brief overview of how America grew from only a few Pilgrims to become the greatest economic power and beacon of freedom the world has ever known. It moves through the experiences and narratives of the immigrants themselves as we learn why they decided to come, their struggles to succeed, and the insights they have gained. The concluding chapter addresses the crossroads at which America now stands and underscores the danger of losing the America that has been the symbol of hope for immigrants for over two hundred fifty years. It provides a roadmap of what must be done to maintain and reinvigorate her promise.
America the Beautiful: As Seen Through the Eyes of Its Immigrants is a must-read for every American whether native-born or immigrant. It will inspire an even greater love of this great land and make you proud to be an American!
Nueces Grit by Mark Greathouse- DECEMBER 21ST
Nueces Grit: Texans Answer the Call absorbs readers in the events and accompanying dynamics sweeping South Texas during the early years of the War Between the States. Texas’ best men have joined the fight, leaving the Texas frontier vulnerable to desperadoes, bandits, and hostile Indians. Follow the epic adventures of Texas Ranger Captain Luke Dunn, as he delivers frontier justice across the war-ravaged treacherous prairies of the Nueces Strip of South Texas. Grit…action…passion…just about anywhere Dunn rides, death could be reaching for his reins. Nueces Grit: Texans Answer the Call will be available online in December in print, audio, and eBook from all leading booksellers.