Publisher Proposal

How to Send Your Book to a Publisher

For authors, the journey of getting their book published can be both exciting and challenging. One crucial step in this process is submitting your manuscript to publishers. 

While the publishing industry has evolved with the rise of digital platforms, the traditional method of sending your book to a publisher remains a prominent avenue. 

In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of submitting your manuscript to a publisher, helping you navigate the path to potential publication success.

I Want To Get Published

Step 1: Research and Identify Suitable Publishers

Before sending your book to a publisher, you must conduct thorough research and identify potential publishers specializing in your genre or subject matter. 

Consider factors such as their publishing philosophy, target audience, and recent releases. This step is crucial to ensure that your manuscript aligns with the publisher’s interests and increases your chances of acceptance.

Step 2: Format Your Manuscript Properly

A well-formatted manuscript enhances your professionalism and demonstrates your attention to detail. 

Publishers usually have specific guidelines for manuscript formatting, so you should always seek to follow them meticulously. 

Some common formatting requirements include:

a) Use a standard font like Times New Roman or Arial, with a font size of 12 points.

b) Double-space your text.

c) Set one-inch margins on all sides.

d) Include a header with your name, book title, and page numbers.

I Want To Get Published

Step 3: Prepare a Persuasive Query Letter

A query letter is your opportunity to make a strong first impression on publishers. 

It should be concise, engaging, and tailored to each publisher you approach. A well-crafted query letter typically includes:

a) A brief introduction about yourself, highlighting your writing credentials and relevant experience.

b) A captivating synopsis of your book, outlining its main themes, characters, and unique selling points.

c) A mention of your target audience and how your book fits into the market.

d) A polite request for the publisher’s consideration and any specific requirements they may have.

Step 4: Craft an Impressive Book Proposal (if applicable)

In some cases, publishers may require a book proposal, especially for non-fiction manuscripts. 

A book proposal provides a comprehensive overview of your book, it’s market potential, and your expertise in the subject matter. 

A well-crafted book proposal typically includes:

a) An overview of your book, including its title, genre, and word count.

b) A detailed synopsis of each chapter, highlighting the main ideas and structure.

c) A market analysis, including target readership, competing titles, and potential marketing strategies.

d) An author biography, emphasizing your qualifications and relevant expertise.

I Want To Get Published

Step 5: Submit Your Manuscript

After you have thoroughly prepared your query letter and, if applicable, your book proposal, it’s time to submit your manuscript to the publisher.

Ensure that you carefully follow the submission guidelines provided by the publisher.

Some publishers prefer email submissions, while others may require physical copies. Pay close attention to any additional requirements, such as including a self-addressed stamped envelope for manuscript return.

Step 6: Exercise Patience and Follow Up

Once you have submitted your manuscript, it’s important to be patient. The publishing industry operates on its own timeline, and it may take several weeks or even months to receive a response. 

However, this largely depends on the publisher, how many manuscripts they currently have in their queue, and how long it takes them to review it.

If the publisher’s guidelines allow, you may send a polite follow-up inquiry after a reasonable period. However, avoid being overly persistent or pushy.


Sending your book to a publisher is a significant milestone in your journey as an author. By conducting thorough research, formatting your manuscript properly, and preparing persuasive query letters or book proposals, you can increase your chances of catching the attention of publishers.

 Remember, the publishing process requires perseverance and patience. Even if you face rejections along the way, view them as stepping stones towards finding the right publisher who appreciates and believes in your work. Good luck on your publishing journey!

I Want To Get Published

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