
Haven Simmons

Books By Haven Simmons

American Sheriff Mike Lewis
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about Haven Simmons

Haven Simmons earned his Ph.D. and M.A. degrees in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Iowa. His dissertation and related publications evaluate the relationship of media, law enforcement, and government. He was the criminal justice reporter at the Sarasota, Florida, Journal and Herald-Tribune and covered law enforcement stories for the ABC television affiliate in Sarasota. He represented the mayor and police department in Bradenton, Florida, as public information officer. Dr. Simmons has taught media and public information courses at FEMA and the National Fire Academy in Emmitsburg, Maryland, since 1997, and was an observer-controller for the TEEX emergency management program at Texas A&M University. He was a communication professor 24 years at Salisbury University in Maryland.

Books By
Haven Simmons

American Sheriff Mike Lewis