Pilot, Author

Brent Furrow

Books By Brent Furrow

Hidden Miracles of the Bible Brent Furrow
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about Brent Furrow

Brent Furrow brings a unique perspective to biblical interpretation, shaped by his experiences as a Boeing 737 charter pilot and Air Force veteran of Operation Enduring Freedom. His journey has taken him to all 50 states and numerous countries, giving him a global perspective that enriches his understanding of spiritual truths.

A lifelong learner, Furrow holds a B.A. in Speech Communication from Eastern Illinois University and an MS in Recreation, Sport, & Tourism Management from the University of Illinois. His achievement of Eagle Scout rank early in life set the foundation for a life of service and exploration, whether in the air, on mountain slopes, or through the pages of Scripture.

Based in Holiday Shores, Illinois, Furrow balances his professional flying career with outdoor adventures, including boating, hiking, and skiing the Rockies. His commitment to community service and deep Christian faith inform both his writing and his life’s work. As a Lutheran and lifelong Christian, he brings both devotion and analytical precision to his exploration of biblical wisdom.

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Books By
Brent Furrow

Hidden Miracles of the Bible Brent Furrow